The burden of gastrointestinal cancers in north east India with special reference to Helicobacter pylori infection

Review Article

Author Details : Asitava Deb Roy*, Mala Mukherjee, Shailendra Kumar, Deepak Kumar

Volume : 11, Issue : 4, Year : 2024

Article Page : 147-151

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Gastrointestinal (GI) cancers, particularly gastric and esophageal cancers, are a significant health burden in North East (NE) India, with incidence rates substantially higher than the national average. This region is marked by high prevalence of () infection, a major risk factor for gastric cancer. Additionally, dietary habits, such as the consumption of smoked and fermented foods, widespread use of betel nut and tobacco, and excessive alcohol intake, contribute to the elevated cancer risk. This narrative review examines the burden of GI cancers in NE India, focusing on the role of in gastric carcinogenesis. The bacterium induces chronic inflammation that can progress to gastric adenocarcinoma, compounded by genetic predisposition in the region's population. Despite advances in diagnostic methods, healthcare infrastructure limitations and late-stage diagnoses hinder early detection. Preventive strategies, including eradication, public awareness campaigns, dietary modifications, and tobacco control, are essential to curb the rising cancer rates. Strengthening healthcare systems and promoting research are crucial for effective cancer control in this high-risk region.This review highlights the urgent need for a comprehensive public health approach to mitigate the growing burden of GI cancers in NE India.

Keywords: Gastrointestinal cancer, Helicobacter pylori, Cancer burden

How to cite : Roy A D, Mukherjee M, Kumar S, Kumar D, The burden of gastrointestinal cancers in north east India with special reference to Helicobacter pylori infection. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2024;11(4):147-151

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Article History

Received : 08-08-2024

Accepted : 12-09-2024

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Article DOI 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2024.032

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