Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 11, Issue : 3, Year : 2024
Article Page : 126-129
While investigating a crime scene related to murder, hit-and-run accidents, road accident analysis, vehicles collisions, rapes and burglaries, forensic soil examination is used for linking the suspect or an object to the crime scene. Comparison of soil provide information about location and place where from picked up by an automobile tire (location) with the soil sample taken from the crime site may help to prove that the suspect automobile may have been used in crime (place of happening). Similarly, soil or mud found adhering to clothing or shoes of a person may provide the clue that can link a suspect to a particular crime site. In the present study we reported the importance of soil and their interpretation as forensic evinces. The study has been reported with the help of cases study to provide exemplary explanation.
Keywords: Physical evidences, Soil, Forensic interpretation.
How to cite : Bansal K, Sharma M, Daga S S, Soil: forensic interpretation some cases study. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2024;11(3):126-129
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Received : 08-08-2024
Accepted : 17-09-2024
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