Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 2, Year : 2021
Article Page : 84-90
Background: The outstretched arm span and measurement of components of the upper limb are a reliable predictors of stature when fragmentary remains of the human body are found. However, this relationship can be affected by age, sex, diet, racial and geographical differences, etc. Hence, a regional database is necessary to be more accurate.
Materilas and Methods: This cross-sectional, prospective analytical study included 200 students pursuing MBBS (Male = 100, Female = 100), natives of Gujarat, aged between 18 - 24 years with normal developmental history. Rich bells stature meter, Anthropometric metal rods (scaled), and Vernier caliper were used for taking measurements. SPSS software version 26 was used for statistical analysis.
Results: The findings showed a positive correlation between stature and the outstretched arm span as well as stature and various components of the upper limb. Except for the correlation between stature and the length of the shoulder to mid suprasternal notch in males, all of the results were statistically significant (p < 0>
Conclusion: Outstretched arm span is the most reliable indicator of stature whereas the length of the shoulder to mid suprasternal notch is the least reliable indicator of stature in both sexes in the natives of Gujarat. This study can be used as a reference in the future for medico-legal purposes.
Keywords: Arm span, Personal identification, Regression equation, Stature, Upper limb.
How to cite : Lalhminghlua R, Saiyed M Z G, Nayak M, Jani C B, Estimation of stature from outstretched arm span and measurement of component/s of upper limb in the natives of Gujarat. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2021;8(2):84-90
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Received : 19-05-2021
Accepted : 16-06-2021
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