One minute paper: The reflective way to teach and learn in medical education

Short Communication

Author Details : Bimal Kumar Sahoo, Manish Taywade*

Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2021

Article Page : 58-62

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One minute Paper is the quick and simple classroom assessment tool. It is benefited to both students and teacher to understand the must know learning points. This tool was applied to the undergraduate students to assess the understanding on the content of lecture as per learning objective, their feedback and perception on one minute paper. At the end of the session, one minute given to answer -What are the most important things you learned today from lecture? What question (s) do you still have in your mind? and Is there anything you did not understand? More than 90 percent were responded for one minute paper. Sixty eight percent
of the students appreciated that it was done nicely and fairly done. Thirty two of the students perceived the technique of one minute paper utilization as learner centred and 11.6% as thinking centred. Few apparent responses that were obtained were the liberty to ask questions (15.9%), better understanding of the topic (26.1%) and mutually beneficial (15.9%). One minute paper is an inexpensive, instant, insightful and informative classroom assessment tool. Involvement of students in the teaching learning process with active participation were the learning outcome. The writing activity in the form of one minute paper focused the
students to give their thoughts, perspective and pinpoint their questions before leaving the class.

Keywords: One minute paper, Class room assessment, Faculty effectiveness, Students learning.

How to cite : Sahoo B K , Taywade M , One minute paper: The reflective way to teach and learn in medical education. Indian J Forensic Community Med 2021;8(1):58-62

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Article History

Received : 17-01-2021

Accepted : 25-01-2021

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Article DOI 10.18231/j.ijfcm.2021.012

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